The Student View

Pop-up Newsrooms

Our Pop-up Newsrooms provide media literacy training to young people so they can navigate the digital world and identify the truth.

Providing Digital Wisdom

It’s never been more important for young people to learn how to critically examine the media and start making informed decisions.

Ofcom found that close to half of UK ‘online adults’ had come across ‘false or misleading information about coronavirus (Covid-19).

That’s where we come in, at The Student View, we offer FREE workshops for young people to help navigate the digital world and assess how social media impacts our everyday lives.

Learn From The Best

Packed with thought-provoking activities to help spot misinformation and provide insights into journalism. Our workshops will allow young people to:

Develop pupils’ critical thinking skills

To ensure you are wise digital consumers - not to mention fully rounded individuals!

Advance your students’ transferable skills

Something that won’t go unnoticed by future employers

Advice from top journalists

Taught by journalism coaches from The Financial Times, News UK or Bloomberg

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Eligibility Quiz

Unsure about which newsroom suits your preferences? Take this quick less than 1- minute quiz to explore the newsroom(s) that your organisation qualifies for.

Cost: FREE

Duration: 3 hours

What’s expected from you: your classroom and access to computers or laptops

Frequently Asked Questions

We want to help support young people who need it most, therefore at least 50% of attendees must be in receipt of Pupil Premium, the 16 to 19 Bursary Fund or free college meals.

Thanks to the generosity of our partners, our workshops are free to schools. Our programme costs reflect the quality and impact of our work and represent excellent value. If you’d like to join the programme or are simply looking for more information, please send us an email.

You can book into a morning or evening workshop that lasts 3 hours.

We currently carry out workshops in various locations around the UK, as we love to work with children whose stories are not often heard.If you want to confirm your school’s workshop, please email us at

Our team is here to help you every step of the way. Our Pop-up Newsrooms are designed to be easy to implement, beginning with an informal chat, and requiring little to no administration outside of the workshops themselves.

What Educators Tell Us

What teachers have to say about our programme.

Harriet Cox, Woodcote High School

“I briefly spoke to the students afterwards and they were thrilled – said it was so fun to delve into a career based session."

Kristina Lennon, Sedgehill Academy

“Thank you so much for running the workshop, feedback from the students at lunch was really positive. They really enjoyed the Q&A with Bethan, great culture capital for them.”

Eleanor Cragg, Coombe Wood School

“Thank you so much - the kids had a great time and got lots out of the workshop!”